he bought that on by sister birthday but obviously, not for my sister!!
so... my dad is a BIKER... an old man who had a big bike!!!
this is my dad.....................that's me(ignore me) and the bike..
so... i have no problem with the bike but i sort of had a probs with the helmet..
at first, my dad just used a normal helmet like apek jual sayur helmet..
then, he used a real motorcycle helmet...

corak askar,half helmet(mcm horse rider pkai tu)..
sekali pandang, just like melon stuck on top of his head..
a swear to god..the helmet was super hideous..
i would never wear it although in the emergency situation..
*wlaupun akan kne tahan ngan polis sbb x pkai helmet!!! sanggup!!!!
i wish i can upload the photo of the melon helmet but x der dalam simpanan..
so, whan i was in form 5, aku tumpang member g tuisyen( which is aku selalu ponteng) opss...
daddy bought for me one black-shoel-full black tinted helmet..
gler glamorous cos my helmet was one of the kind!!
i use the helmet until i was and upper 6 and STOP using it...
so... because my bro bagi pinjam the hideous helmet to his stupid friend yang hilangkan helmet tu..
daddy take over my helmet..
until my helmet dah hancur lunyai and sangat buruk!!!
then daddy beli another helmet yang cantek bergaya....
and... daddy bleh plak cakap,
"this is my helmet.. read my lips, MY hELMET. so only me and myself only who has power to wear this helmet"...
not even i.... i cannot wear his helmet...
his elegent helmet!!!!
my daddy was so SELFISH!!(not jual ikan)...
one day... akan ku curi and pkai helmet die and pusing keliling ipoh menjaja helmetnyer!!!
hahahahahahaha( gelak prof.klon)
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